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What do pupils learn at John Keats?

“Teachers have good subject knowledge and explain things clearly to pupils. Across the curriculum, they make sure that pupils have regular opportunities to recall and revisit prior learning. Teachers know their pupils’ needs well… they find out exactly what pupils know and can do, and then build pupils’ knowledge in a progressive manner.  The curriculum is implemented consistently well, and teaching introduces new knowledge in clear, manageable steps.” Ofsted

At John Keats, we teach the UK National Primary Curriculum through six key themes. Adopted from the International Baccelaureate, children study each of these themes for a half term. They return to them each year, deepening their knowledge and making links between content and subjects. Through them they explore the foundation subjects and make links to their Reading and Writing lessons too. This thematic approach enables children to learn in a purposeful, adaptive way, which provides them with real-world skills and knowledge.

Autumn 1 - Who Are We 

Autumn 2 - Where We Are In Place and Time

Spring 1 - How Do We Express Ourselves

Spring 2 - How Does Our World Work

Summer 1 - How Do We Organise Ourselves

Summer 2 - How Do We Share The Planet